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Scholarship Spotlight: Daniel Cesario

Scholarship Spotlight: Daniel Cesario


Tremont Credit Union is proud to announce Daniel Cesario as one of our esteemed college scholarship recipients for this year. Meeting Daniel and hearing his inspiring story has been a true pleasure, and we are excited to support his journey as he takes the next step in his academic career.

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Scholarship Spotlight: Brendan Clegg

Scholarship Spotlight: Brendan Clegg


Tremont Credit Union is delighted to introduce Brendan Clegg as one of our distinguished college scholarship recipients this year. Meeting Brendan and his supportive family has been a true pleasure, and we are excited to share his remarkable achievements with our community

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Scholarship Spotlight: Gregory Matthews

Scholarship Spotlight: Gregory Matthews


Introducing Gregory Matthews, one of Tremont Credit Union's 2024 scholarship recipients! Gregory, a distinguished graduate of Boston College High School, will be attending Fairfield University this fall for a five-year Finance and Business Administration program.

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